Apex Destiny 6100 GSM
Click here for wiring diagram
Here are the programming steps for the Destiny 6100 to operate the GSM via the AUX relay on the panel
Find a free (000) channel to use for burg: 4097 = Channel 1 (Add 24 to get to channel 2, 48 for channel 3 or refer here)
Program 4097 as 001 (Option 1, Active)
Program 4119 as 008 (Aux relay) (Add 24 to get to channel 3, 48 for channel 4 etc…)
Find a free (000) channel to use for fire: 4121 = Channel 2 (Add 24 to get to channel 3, 48 for channel 4 or refer here)
Program 4121 as 001 (Option 1, Active)
Program 4124 as 001 (Option 4, Flash) (Add 24 to get to channel 3, 48 for channel 4 etc…)
Program 4143 as 008 (Aux relay)
Program 0184 as 001 (Burg alarm, Channel 1)
Program 0185 as 002 (Fire alarm, Channel 2)
If it goes into alarm but won't restore program 4054 and 4055 both as 006.